"If the Doctor is still the Doctor... he will have my back.” - Clara Oswald, Doctor's Who Companion, Doctor Who, Deep Breath, Series 8, Episode 1, 08/23/2014 BBC America Most people should be aware by now that I am a geek. I freely admit it. I can't hide it. I have been one since my childhood and now that I am in my 50's, I finally feel like I don't have to hide it. Not that I ever did. Although there have been times when, as a Christian and Pastor, some might have wished that I had. More than once, I have had to answer the questions: How can you watch that garbage? Doesn't many of the themes and images of these types of shows upset you? Doesn't that stuff hurt your faith? I usually change the subject when these questions come up because I doubt that the one asking the questions truly cares to hear my answer. They have already judged me by how they judge these shows. It is the old guilty by association trap. Somewher...
There is joy in this journey we call life. Sometimes it may be hard to find, but if we look hard, it is there. We can not let the storms of life steal the joy of life.