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Annual Pastor's Report 2018

“On the ship of the church there are no passengers, all members are the crew.” From the Charter of Church of the Savior, Washington D.C. During 2018 we celebrated our faith in communion, in baptism, in marriage, and in the lives of those who have joined with the saints in heaven. We continued to face the challenges that we share with other communities of faith. During 2018 we have seen an increase in the things that divide us in our world. It appears that we have lost the ability to come together and reason with one another. Anyone with an opposing view or thought is to be villainized, shouted down, defeated, and destroyed. We are called to be peacemakers in a “Game of Thrones” world. So, as we look toward the new year, we can see that we have our work cut out for us. We need to be building bridges of faith within and without our church and the communities in which we live. We need to be striving to see the possibilities instead of the barriers. We need to put our faith to work,
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