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Showing posts from June, 2013

Jesus Music - David Meece - We Are The Reason

In the late 1970's as a teenager, I discovered what was then called Contemporary Christian Music(CCM).  One of the first 8-tracks, ( yes I said 8-tracks) that I purchased was by David Meece and it included this song. The Holy Spirit spoke to me through this and so many other songs over the years by artists like Amy Grant, DeGarmo and Key, Mylon, Petra, and so many others. In those days there was no Christian Radio to speak of.   Music was only available at Christian Bookstores and at concerts.  Discovering new music was an experience and a great joy.  The music was evangelical, often in-your-face, and frightening to the established church where many declared anything with a modern beat and instruments as satanic. I am considering starting a podcast to look back on the music, the musicians, and the message of the CCM scene from the Jesus Music days of the 60's and 70's to today's Praise and Worship phenomenon. Anyone interested in helping, please contact me.  I a

Power Failure

While at my day job, a computer programmer, a power hick-up knock down the computer system on which I work.  Everything else was still running.  We had lights, air conditioning, and PC’s.  But without the system that runs the business, there was not much that could be done. We rely on electricity to power all our stuff.  Everything now needs power, either by plugging in, batteries, or both.  And when we do not have access to that power, look out.  We are lost without our gadgets to entertain, or instruct, or direct us.  We will scream at our supplier and expect to find discounts in our bill for the lack of service.  We lose our tempers with our family and neighbors.  And we will spend small fortunes on generators to provide emergency power for our home to power the essentials, freezers, refrigerators; and the non-essentials like TV’s and computers.   We count on having power and are lost without it. As Christians, we do rely on our power source.  Yet too many of us never even


Five years ago, my Mom passed away suddenly, unexpectedly, in her sleep.  Five years later and I still feel the pain of loss.   I miss her deeply. One year ago, my mother-in-law, who had lived with my wife, Tammy, and I for over 30 years, passed away at home after being placed on hospice care three weeks earlier.  She was a friend and inspiration.  We picked on each other and I miss her presence in my life. At the same time, I was informed that I would no longer be the Executive Director of the local Red Cross chapter, but would be placed in another position, that left me out of contact with the people that I had grown to love and cherish my co-workers and the volunteers as friends; working together daily to assist victims and prepare for future disasters.   I miss being part of a team that was making a difference in the organization and in the local community.   I am sure there are other things that I have missed over the years.  I am sure that there will be others that I